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Library Media Center

J.P. Ryon Elementary Library Media Center Image

Welcome to the Library Media Center!

Book Borrowing Policy

All students are allowed to borrow library books.

  • Students in the 3's Program, Pre-Kindergarten, and First and Second grades are allowed to borrow one book each week.
  • Students in the Third, Fourth, and Fifth grades are allowed to borrow two books each week.

Students who borrow library books are responsible for them.

  • Students are expected to return the book within one week.
  • Students will not be charged a late fee.
  • Students may return their books and borrow it again for another week.
  • Students are expected to take care of their library books.
  • Students who return damaged books beyond repair will be billed for its replacement.
  • Students who lose a book will be billed for its replacement.
  • Students are responsible for any books checked out in their name. They should not lend their library books to other students.
  • Students who do not pay for damaged or lost books will lose part of their club day.

How to Take Care of Your Library Book

  1. Keep your books away from your water bottle. Books do not like water. Mold is a book's worst enemy.
  2. Keep books away from food. Please have a snack before or after reading your library books.  DO NOT FEED YOUR BOOK!
  3. Keep your book away from younger brothers and sisters. They may scribble or tear your book.
  4. Keep books away from pets.
  5. Turn pages carefully.
  6. Make sure your hands are clean when reading.  Books can not be put in the washing machine!
  7. Protect your book by using a bookmark.  Do not place a book face down with pages open.  Do not turn down pages to mark your place.
  8. Choose one particular place to keep your library books and return them when you are finished reading.  That way you will know where they are when it is time to return them to the library.  Your backpack is a perfect place to keep your book.
  9. Read it!  Or have someone read it to you.
  10. Return your books on time so that your friends may enjoy them too.
  11. If you do have an accident with a book, do not try to fix it at home.  The library has special tape and glue to fix books.  Bring the book in to the library and we will try to repair it as best we can.  If a book is beyond repair, it must be paid for.  Accidents do happen.

Helpful Links

Charles County Public Library

Destiny Discover